Monday, May 12, 2008

This Sunday on May 12 was a Holiday. It was Mothers day. So for my family went to a Mothers day break fest at a Holiday inn. it was pretty good. Then we packed up and went to Mount Rushmore, but we had to drive a long ways sense we live far away in Illinois but time past as we saw pretty views of trees.When we got there we emmedietly saw the four faces George Washington, Aberaham lincoln, Thomas jefferson, and Teddy rosevelt .But overall it was a cool trip because we had an awsome buffet got to see one of the most popular atractions in the country and had the best ice cream ever. At the very end we went to a really good ice cream place and had some of it. I had mint chocolate chip, one of my sisters had cookie dough, the other sister had Cotton candy, Mom had Carmel, and my dad had two flavors in one. It was one of the best ice cream i had ever had. but i thought that eventually the trip got very tirring. Because we were bussy the whole day. also my mom likes antiques so she had us stop at a couple antique stores and it was mainly a drag!!! But i guess since it was mothers day we kinda had to go. That was the worst in the whole trip but then again it wasnt as bad as if we stayed there longer. so i am lucky about that.

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