Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Do you want to know about a new movie. you know the scooby movies and they now are making a third one YAY.It will be about the mystery team going back in time cool isnt it. There is a HUGE problem they can not find actors for it i just hope they can stilldo the movie.
I will definately go to that movie.
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Recently The sandiego chargers running back, LaDainian Tomlinson, is the number one running back in the NFL. The number one Q.B is Tom Brady. For riecievers the best is Reggie Wayne for the Colts. The person who has the most TD's is Randy Moss for the patriots. And in baseball Barry bonds the steroid freak still faces 2 and 1/2 years in prison for of course using steroids.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Something very interesting about my family is all of the the guys in our family have all been successful in wrestling. I started a couple years ago and i just love the sport and want to be just as good as my family was. One of my cousins was a three time state champion and was undefeated two years. My other cousin was undefeated one year till the championships and got beat but he still had all thoughs wins. My Dad was a pretty Good wrestler but in High school he Had a tendon problem so he couldn't wrestle but he probably would of done pretty good at state wrestling. And my uncle i didnt know how he did but i do know he did wrestle. So now you that my family is full of wrestling. i think i like wrestling because it teaches you alot of disiplane. Not that many people wrestle but that is just because you have to be very tough for that spport and thats why my family likes it because they like tough sports like football to. Like thaaey like contact sports where you are basicly fighting the guy.
Monday, May 12, 2008
This Sunday on May 12 was a Holiday. It was Mothers day. So for my family went to a Mothers day break fest at a Holiday inn. it was pretty good. Then we packed up and went to Mount Rushmore, but we had to drive a long ways sense we live far away in Illinois but time past as we saw pretty views of trees.When we got there we emmedietly saw the four faces George Washington, Aberaham lincoln, Thomas jefferson, and Teddy rosevelt .But overall it was a cool trip because we had an awsome buffet got to see one of the most popular atractions in the country and had the best ice cream ever. At the very end we went to a really good ice cream place and had some of it. I had mint chocolate chip, one of my sisters had cookie dough, the other sister had Cotton candy, Mom had Carmel, and my dad had two flavors in one. It was one of the best ice cream i had ever had. but i thought that eventually the trip got very tirring. Because we were bussy the whole day. also my mom likes antiques so she had us stop at a couple antique stores and it was mainly a drag!!! But i guess since it was mothers day we kinda had to go. That was the worst in the whole trip but then again it wasnt as bad as if we stayed there longer. so i am lucky about that.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

In torrington wyo there is a man named Al Hamburg. He trys in every presidential election of his time. But what he does is says that made up people voted for him so he could get in the election. he is one of the 50 most interesting people of wyoming. he was charged with forging petition signatures of dead people. Because you need a certain amount of people to run for House. but honestly i respect the guy for all his effort just to be in House. He most realy care about the state and the country.

recently last night in the elections Obama dominated in North Carolina he smoked hillory by more then two points. He also won the delicates last night two like 94 delicates but. I hope that it comes down to Obama and mcain in the final election and Mcain winning it all. I mainly think this because i am rebublican but also he wouldnt of won so fast if he wasnt right for it.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

recently on espn they say that one of the worst free agent pitchers is barry Zito. I realy disagree. I think he is one of the only things the Oakland A's hadlike he won the Cy young award in 2002 and third in the league for strike outs one of his first years and alowed like only 2, or 3 runs every five innings. He is the reason for any wins most of the time. They say he is getting worse. Plus he has only done more good for the Giants. He wouldnt be the highest paid pitcher if he was a bad pithcher.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
4. these are three forms, rain (drops of water that fall from a cloud and have a diameter of at least 0.5 millimeter) and snow (precipitation in the form of ice crystals or, more often, aggregates of ice crystals). Other forms include sleet (falling small particles of ice that are clear to translucent), glaze (formed when supercooled http://wps.prenhall.com/esm_lutgens_atmosphere_10/0,6615,3175140-,00.html
2. First, we need two basic ingredients: water and dust.
On Planet Earth, naturally occurring clouds are composed primarily of water in its liquid or solid state. (On other planets, clouds may form from other compounds such as the sulphuric acid clouds on Venus.) Thus, we begin our recipe by collecting a sufficient quantity of water in the vapour state that we will soon transform into the liquid or solid states. The water vapour content of the atmosphere varies from near zero to about 4 percent, depending on the moisture on the surface beneath and the air temperature.
Next, we need some dust. Not a large amount nor large particles and not all dusts will do. Without "dirty air" there would likely be no clouds at all or only high altitude ice clouds. Even the "cleanest" air found on Earth contains about 1000 dust particles per cubic metre of air. Dust is needed for condensation nuclei, sites on which water vapour may condense or deposit as a liquid or solid. Certain types and shapes of dust and salt particles, such as sea salts and clay, make the best condensation nuclei.
With proper quantities of water vapour and dust in an air parcel, the next step is for the air parcel mass to be cooled to a temperature at which cloud droplets or ice crystals can form. And, voila, we have clouds.http://www.islandnet.com/~see/weather/elements/makerain.htm
On Planet Earth, naturally occurring clouds are composed primarily of water in its liquid or solid state. (On other planets, clouds may form from other compounds such as the sulphuric acid clouds on Venus.) Thus, we begin our recipe by collecting a sufficient quantity of water in the vapour state that we will soon transform into the liquid or solid states. The water vapour content of the atmosphere varies from near zero to about 4 percent, depending on the moisture on the surface beneath and the air temperature.
Next, we need some dust. Not a large amount nor large particles and not all dusts will do. Without "dirty air" there would likely be no clouds at all or only high altitude ice clouds. Even the "cleanest" air found on Earth contains about 1000 dust particles per cubic metre of air. Dust is needed for condensation nuclei, sites on which water vapour may condense or deposit as a liquid or solid. Certain types and shapes of dust and salt particles, such as sea salts and clay, make the best condensation nuclei.
With proper quantities of water vapour and dust in an air parcel, the next step is for the air parcel mass to be cooled to a temperature at which cloud droplets or ice crystals can form. And, voila, we have clouds.http://www.islandnet.com/~see/weather/elements/makerain.htm
1. Evaporation is the process by which molecules in a liquid state (e.g. water) spontaneously become gaseous (e.g. water vaporhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evaporation
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The watercycle is when there is water in lakes. Then the water is evaperated in the air. Then it works it's way up into the clouds. Now eventualy the clouds will get full and then it wil precipitate now that water gos under ground and then travels to the lakes and it starts all over again. the water molecule go go so many places like in animals, ocean, lake, river, air, clouds, and many other places. The water cycle is ran by one thing that controlls everything, The sun. If we didnt have that there would be know water cycle.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
the funniest thing that ever hapened to me is um... well my cousin was at the movies,[Ice Age 2] and he had skittles. So he decided to stuff them up his NOSE! so they went home and his dad tried to get them out but unfourtunattly he didnt get them out. So they went to the emergency room to try to get it out. but while waiting he sneezed and out came the skittles. So why he stuffed them up there i dont know, but he was only two or three
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
What makes me mad is want to be's. Like want to be cowboys they think they are sooo cool but they are sooo dumb. hear is some advice dont be a want to be you just make your self look more of a dork. or want to be gangsters. Just because you listen to rap music and wear baggy pants does not make you a gangster, when you start killing people over drugs and robbing convienient stores then you are a gangster but you probly dont have the guts to do that.
Friday, April 11, 2008
My Favorite NFL Team
My favorite NFL team is the Denverbroncos . because of one of my favorite players was their quarter back you might know him John Elway. I like him because he is a way good Q.B and helped broncos win a super bowl. The reason he was a good Q.B was he knew what to do and was a good leader for the broncos. Like knew when to run or pass and stayed calm when he was being rushed. Jhon elway went to college in Stanford and was just as good there. He was the first pick in the first round of the NFL in 1983 and has played since 1998. He and the the rest of the team won the super bowl in 1998 and he was the MVP of the game! Now sadly he is retired and is the co owner of the arena football team Colarado Crush, he is working for a car dealership.
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